Category: Japan

  • Godzilla and お好み焼き

    Godzilla and お好み焼き

    I’m one of the lucky ones. My wife and I got to meet Raji when we were in Tokyo in 2019. He was like bottled energy. Fun, polite, generous, and with a great sense of humor. We visited Godzilla and waited in a nice café. Then we went to an Okonomiyaki place for our first…

  • Abridged Tokyo Hacker’s guide – by TheTokyoFixer (rajmahal)

    Abridged Tokyo Hacker’s guide – by TheTokyoFixer (rajmahal)

    (In March 2018, Ale and I saw Raji in Japan. I exchanged emails with him the months before, planning and also just getting giddy with anticipations. I was reading those emails, and found this.) – Don’t exchange cash – use your ATM card in the 7-11 Bank at the airport, or any 7-11, Family Mart…

  • Hi Raji-san,

    Hi Raji-san,

    Our hearts are saddened by your loss. Whenever I remember you, you are always smiling. Yes, even now and forever. The great work you did here ensures we will never forgot. Your response was quickly and we could communicate closely. You always cared about and kind to us, didn’t you? When we worked late, you…

  • started as a colleague – became a friend

    started as a colleague – became a friend

    Hey Raji, we met for the first time in May 2018. You had just started with us and I came to Tokyo on a business trip. Right at the start you broke the leg in your bathroom and had to hold out with crutches and painkillers. What a start. You can also see that in…

  • Rajaaaaaaaaaaa


    “Rajar Rajar Rajar”… Missing the laugh of yours when I call you “Rajar”. You were the most honest person I’ve ever met. I always wondered how you could have such a big and warm heart. I’m glad that I’ve met you in my life. Thank you to Kana-chan ne! We miss you Rajar!! You silly!!!!!!!…

  • My friend Raji

    My friend Raji

    I first met Raji through Jim Moynihan in November 2019 in Tokyo. Jim invited me to join the tennis group in Tokyo, and Raji was a key member of that group, even taking over the coordination of it when Jim left Japan in 2021. I remember that we had an instant connection for some reason.…

  • Good times in Tokyo

    Good times in Tokyo

    Hey dude. Why so fast? 🙂 I looked into my photo album and cannot believe it, but couldn’t find a photo of you in it. Why don’t I have a photo of you while I clearly remember the days I spent with you in Tokyo? One day a friend from my college time part-time job…

  • I will miss you, my friend

    I will miss you, my friend

    I met you at Shahrod’s house in Tokyo and we became close friends. We even had friends in common back in New York and DC, including my brother-in-law Sean. You introduced me to your friends in Tokyo and Mumbai and I did the same and now we have many friends in common. In Tokyo, we…

  • Dansu Raji

    Dansu Raji

    Raji, I can’t remember exactly how or where we met in Tokyo, but I am pretty sure it was in a nightclub. We became friends instantly, you were cool as heck and easygoing, funny, and always up for an adventure. Tokyo could be a really lonely place, and I always felt cool calling you for…

  • My friendship with Raji

    My friendship with Raji

    Dear Ravi and Hari, I first met Raji in Tokyo circa Year 2016.   We played tennis together.  Raji was introduced to me by Clay ADLER who was the Consul General at the US Embassy/Tokyo at that time.   Clay was also a member of our tennis group.   Raji and myself are both big…

  • Caring and fun to be with

    Caring and fun to be with

    He has been a great help to me in my work as well as in my personal life. Especially this year, I was able to see two baseball games with him, and I was able to introduce him to my family. I am sure that I will be able to go to Meiji Jingu Stadium…

  • Murakami hits 2 homers tonight

    Murakami hits 2 homers tonight

    Hey, Raj. One of your favorite Swallows player Murakami hit two homers today. Raj, you and I drank beer in Tokyo, the US, Holland, and many other places, but I never thought you started beer at TGI Friday’s in heaven now. I haven’t shown you the picture of you dressed up as a cop for…

  • スワローズ万歳


    ラジ 明日侍ジャパン観に行くよ! 村神様のホームラン願って下さい! 1回でもいいからラジとスタジアム行きたかったな! 何回も誘ってくれてありがとうね! 明日は全力で応援してくるよ! ラジも上から見守ってて下さい👍 Submitted by nabe.

  • the one and only

    the one and only

    親愛なるラジ 私にとってあなたは爆弾みたいな人だったよ とても刺激的な爆弾 笑って泣いて怒ってら、 性格も、仕事もプライベートも とにかく忙しい人だから なんでそんなに急ぐのかって聞くと 僕はニューヨーカーだからって言ってたね。 貴方が全力で毎日無駄なく人生を楽しんでいた証拠 わたしが、お腹空くと、ハングリーアングリーってバカにしながらリュックから大好きなワッパーバーガー出してくれるの 私のドラえもんだった 優しいラジ− 温かいラジ− 意地悪なラジ− わがままなラジ− 全て大好きだよ 最後も喧嘩してバイバイしちゃったけど ごめんね  ラジが正しかった 本当に貴方は数え切れないくらい程の多くの友達に愛されてる 私も含めて 悔しいからこっちの世界でラジの分まで全力で楽しから!! ラジはゆっくり休んでね、もう急がなくていい 待っててね親愛なるラジ 大好きだよ Submitted by Kana Yamada.

  • Raji’s magic

    Raji’s magic

    There was a time when I worked very closely with him, though for a short period of time. I cannot help but be surprised at this sudden sad news. I have many memories of him, but I will never forget the days when we hit it off to go to “Yufuin”, a famous hot spring…

  • How we met & the broken TV

    How we met & the broken TV

    How we met: I met Raji for the first time at a small hole in the wall Japanese pub back around 2015-16. At the time, I was living in a residential suburb of Tokyo. This pub was the only place open past 10pm in this quiet neighborhood. The onwer, a Chinese lady, told me there…

  • He loves the Yakult Swallows in Tokyo

    He loves the Yakult Swallows in Tokyo

    Dear all Still, I cannot believe that. Really hard for me to understand correctly.   I love this picture. He really loves the Yakult Swallows at Tokyo Japan. Anytime he wants to go to the Swallows game in Jingu. Unfortunately, this year the Swallows lost the Japan Series game. Absolutely that is really shocking new…

  • A photo

    A photo

    Raj and Rav after all you can eat sushi, Tokyo, 2000 ,